Lauderhill Draft History

Draft Selection Draft Source Position Player Age SI Pot Assignment Team Statistics
2064, Rd #3 Latin American Academy 3B Ramon Saucedo 17 64 13 Rookie Lauderhill Lions
2064, Rd #2 College OF Albert Hairston 20 69 12 AA Lauderhill Lions
2064, Rd #1 College P Garry Clancy 20 54 → 56 13 A Lauderhill Lions
2063, Rd #8 High School P Christopher Weiman 18 36 10 - -
2063, Rd #6 Latin American Academy OF Marco Jaimes 18 55 10 - -
2063, Rd #5 College OF Graham Ferrando 22 83 → 86 12 AA Lauderhill Lions
2063, Rd #4 College SS Marv Hairston 21 70 → 73 11 AA Lauderhill Lions
2063, Rd #3 College OF Todd Deaton 21 66 → 71 12 AA Lauderhill Lions
2063, Rd #2 Latin American Academy OF Javier Moran 20 81 → 90 14 AA Lauderhill Lions
2061, Rd #2 Latin American Academy 3B Jerónimo Rodriguez 23 78 → 97 16 → 15 Majors Lauderhill Lions G 21, AVE .253, H 20, HR 2, R 11, RBI 10
2061, Rd #1 Latin American Academy P Manuel Sáez 22 56 → 80 12 AAA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #8 Latin American Academy OF Alfonso Huerta 23 70 → 80 11 → 12 AAA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #7 High School 2B Randy Murrell 21 56 → 68 11 AA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #6 Junior College 1B Clay Workman 23 73 → 83 11 - -
2060, Rd #5 High School OF Seth Coughlin 21 66 → 74 11 → 12 AA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #4 High School P Allen O`Neill 21 51 → 69 12 AA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #3 Latin American Academy 3B José Elías 25 63 → 64 11 - -
2060, Rd #2 Latin American Academy OF Víctor Morales 21 63 → 73 13 AA Lauderhill Lions
2060, Rd #1 College 3B Gordon Moss 25 66 → 80 13 → 12 - -
2059, Rd #7 College 3B Louie Hall 25 65 → 71 12 - -
2059, Rd #6 Latin American Academy P Jose Gomez 23 54 → 72 11 - -
2059, Rd #5 Latin American Academy SS Luis Carrillo 22 67 → 73 10 → 11 - -
2059, Rd #4 Junior College SS Ralph Kohl 23 83 → 90 13 → 12 AAA Lauderhill Lions
2059, Rd #3 College 3B Stacy Malloy 25 62 → 92 15 → 14 Majors Lauderhill Lions G 92, AVE .188, H 31, HR 4, R 11, RBI 17
2059, Rd #2 High School OF Wesley Bloom 22 63 → 78 14 → 12 AAA Lauderhill Lions