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Tabula Rasa
Joined: 06/24/2017
Posts: 8


Broken Bat Baseball
Hello Guys,

Because I'm fairly new to the game and just started my rebuild I was wondering if there's somebody who could look at my current team and give me their opinion? I've already cut a lot of older players and started calling up younger ones (mainly acquired through waivers/free agents)


Tabula Rasa
Unalaska Gulls
Joined: 07/02/2016
Posts: 1269

Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
1. I'm particularly biased against hitters who have "will never be a decent hitter" in their scouting profile. They would essentially need to be an amazing SS defensively with strong PD/BC, and even then, I don't take the time to even consider those types. Roll as you will, but if the team were in my hands, the two players in your minors with that text would be gone gone.

2. I don't want to introduce my bias too much, but moving on to players with no hitting-related scouting text... How about I say that you should at least be selective with them? (I'm fairly extreme that in my minors right now I only have one with no hitting scouting text.) I'll say this: re-evaluate those types of players and ask yourself "if they don't hit for average very well, will other positive attributes make up for that?" I have an example on my team: I've ridden him for a while because of respectable SS skills and, despite no hitting skills, has extreme BC/PD, which has led him to at least maintain a somewhat acceptable OBP.

3. Be aware that 11 POT players CAN be useful in LLVI and, to a slightly lesser degree, LLV. You only have one in Hong, but if you're going to develop a 11 POT — particularly a young one like Hong — you really want one that has super solid potential to be useful in the short term. Hong doesn't have hitting text, though he does sit at a 10 currently. Eh, in your position, if it's an 11, I'd rather they develop into something similar to this (though trained at 1B or used at DH, perhaps with a slightly less potent Fielding scout). As is, I'd dump Hong.

4. Speaking of 11 POT, they max out at 95 SI, which is important to consider. You'll want to look at this post and some of the other links in it:

5. Take a hard look at where you're training players. I know you just started, and so it's not your fault, but it pains me so much to see players like your Wadsworth not get trained at the optimal position. That build is screaming to be a SS, but alas, he's already 24 and has only seen 11 games there. Sure, you can switch him to SS now (which I still recommend), but it'll probably be a good long while before he gets ss then SS. It's a pity, really, because that's a heck of a SS build.

For the life of me, I can't find the dern' original link, but I have the text from an older post that you may find useful:

Catcher - My catcher has 15 for Arm, and I don't think its really enough. I'd try to get more than 15 if possible. The other defensive ratings should be as low as possible. You want a righty here.

SS - Is the most important defensive position and the hardest to fill. You want ALL defensive ratings to be high, but I would prioritize Range the highest. Righty.

2B - Again prioritize Range, but you also want good fielding. Arm is not so important, so get a guy with lower Arm and save the SI for other ratings. Righty.

3B - Good Fielding and good Arm. Some range doesn't hurt, but isn't important for corner guys. Righty.

1B - You don't really need any defensive abilities here, but having a lefty is optimal.

CF - I'd try to get either below average fielding or no fielding report for CF. You want your OF with the most Range in CF. A decent Arm doesn't hurt.

RF - 10+ range (the more the better, but balance with hitting). Having a good arm is a bonus.

LF - 10+ range, but prioritize hitting ability.

Since lefties have a tendency to hit all those right handed pitchers better, its beneficial to get lefties in the OF as much as possible. A couple righty OFs can be useful for platooning if need be.

Updated Monday, August 14 2017 @ 9:26:21 am PDT
Joined: 05/11/2017
Posts: 1002

Deadwood Perambulators

Broken Bat Baseball

I totally understand and agree with your rule on Never Be a Decent Hitter, with the possible exception of sky high BC/PD and defensive skills.

Can I ask your opinion on a guy like this:

Im smitten with his BC/PD/Power, horrified by his Hitting, and his defense makes him a platoon at DH. So, as a rebuilding LL6 team, how do you feel he fits on my team against LHP only at DH?

Is he worth it, or is he blocking a roster spot for someone that can develop more for the future?

I have a feeling it's the latter, but it's hard to ignore that sexy BC/PD/Power.
Joined: 07/02/2016
Posts: 1269

Corvallis Ravens

Broken Bat Baseball
First, I feel that most of your player development should happen in the minors, but reality says that some 75 to 80 percent of it happens in the minors (just making up numbers there) and the rest in the majors. It depends of course on the player, the AI recommendations for promotion, and how you take those recommendations. That said, I wouldn't be so much worried about Gotou blocking anyone unless you're making a conscious choice to hold back another option that would benefit well to finish up training in the Bigs over a year or two. Haven't looked at your roster to see if that's the case; I'll leave that to you.

It's always fun to see those players in BB who walk more than they strike out, and you can see that trend in the minors for Gotou. Now can 15 BC and 17 PD overcome 7 Hitting, even in LLVI? Touch for me to say, but I'll point back to the previously mentioned Andy Combs. One season in LLVI — and only 190 AB at that — shows that he was a perfectly viable option there, and his defense was likely plus for that league. Looking at his development graphs, we can see he actually had a 10 in hitting up until 2031. (May have been a scouting correction?)

My non-educated gut feel is that for players like Gotou and Combs, broadly speaking that even with high BC and PD, for every point below 10 in Hitting, the high BC/PD combo becomes less effective. So at 7 hitting? You need decent sample size for Gotou, which perhaps means more than a platoon, just to get a better feel for whether he's worth playing. But if you have something at stake this season and a better option to plug in, I'd say it may not be worth the sample-size experiment to try Gotou long-term. If you don't have much on the line this season, let him play, get some data, and follow up. It'll be an interesting experiment at minimum.

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